“Making India a Global Knowledge Superpower” is the motto behind India’s new education policy that was announced recently. New education policy 2020 will impact the students, teachers, parents, schools & higher education institutions alike. With revolutionary changes in the curriculum, teaching methodology, and career-aptitude synchrony, the new education policy of India 2020 sure has many positive highlights for you!
Below is all you need to know about India’s New Education Policy 2020
What has changed for school education?

The government has pledged access to free, safe & high-quality early education & care in Anganwadis, pre-schools and Balvatikas. The new classroom promotion structure (pedagogical structure) and curriculum will be classified as 5+3+3+2 instead of the earlier ‘pre-school+10+2’ track. Under the new curriculum, a student will be undergoing 3 years training in pre-school followed by 12 years of schooling.
Special ‘Balvatika’s’ will be set up for foundational learning or preparatory classes for the kids before 1st standard.
The learning curriculum has been divided as per the age categories. For students aged 6-8 (std. 1-2), they will be learning under the foundational stage. Students aged 8-11 (std. 3-5) will fall under the preparatory stage which will focus more on the discovery, play & interactive learning. Moreover, personalized learning apps like Learnflix will prove to be of immense benefit to the students & teachers to fair well under the new system. Students in the age bracket of 11-14 (std. 6-8) will lie under the middle stage with a focus on experiential learning in the core subjects. For ages 14-18 (std. 9-12), critical thinking & career-based subjects will be offered with enhanced options and choices.
Moreover, students will be able to learn in their native/local language or mother tongue up to 5th standard. Schools will also be required to allow 10 bag-less days where the students will be taught vocational (informal internship) subjects of their choice.

What are the changes in the school & board exam patterns?
School Exams will be held only for classes 3, 5 and 8. Assessment will be designed to encourage higher-order thinking skills, critical thinking and conceptual clarity rather than just mugging up things.
Board Exams will continue. But, these will be designed for holistic development. A new national assessment centre PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development) will be established. Under the new system, the board exams will have lesser weightage in a student’s academic performance. All students will be allowed to take Board Exams on up to two occasions during any given school year, one main examination and one for improvement if the student wishes.

What are the changes in the higher education system?
A National Testing Agency will be formed to conduct a common college entrance exam twice every year. This will be enforced from 2022. Also, those appearing for any Bachelor’s degree program will now have 2 exit options. Students can exit after completing 1st year with a professional certificate or after 2nd year with a diploma. Mid-term dropouts will now be able to complete their degree after a break if they wish to.
Science & Arts subjects will be merged together to form multidisciplinary streams without any rigid distinction between the two. In addition to this, 100 international universities will be selected, established & facilitated to operate in India.
NEP 2020 sure has it upsides and every education stakeholder in India is hoping for a massive positive impact. The bottom line, however, is the same as always - keep learning, have fun & keep growing!