The CBSE Class 10 exam is one of the milestones in a student’s life. The content for Class 10 Biology is designed keeping this in mind. It covers the concepts of life processes, the human nervous system, reproduction, heredity and evolution, and the environment and natural resources.
1.1 Autotrophic Nutrition
1.2 Cellular Respiration
1.3 Human Digestive System
1.4 Human Excretory System
1.5 Human Respiratory System
1.6 Introduction to Life Process
1.7 The Human Heart
1.8 Transportation of Substances and Waste Materials in Plants
2.1 Coordination in Plants.
2.2 Human Brain.
2.3 Human Endocrine System.
2.4 Nervous System in Animals.
2.5 Spinal Cord and Reflex Action
3.1 Asexual Reproduction.
3.2 Human Reproductive Organs.
3.3 Reproduction in Animals: An Overview
3.4 Reproduction in Plants
3.5 Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Birth Control Measures
4.1 Evolution and Classification
4.2 Evolution and Speciation
4.3 Heredity And Variation: An Overview
4.4 Mendel's Experiments
4.5 Sex Determination in Humans
5.1 Activities Affecting the Environment
5.2 Ecosystem
5.1 Coal and Petroleum
5.2 Importance of Forests
5.3 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
5.4 Water
At this level, there are concepts like reproduction, adolescence and drugs abuse which are dealt with sensitivity and clarity in Learnflix. Different types of assessments, sample papers and other learning materials help students prepare well for the boards exam.
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Title: Science For Tenth Class Part 3 Biology
Publisher: Schand
Author: Lakhmir Singh
A series of six books for Classes IX and X according to the Latest CBSE syllabus. Emphasis is given on helping students to understand concepts using very simple language, detailed explanations and real-life examples.